жанры: dark ambient, martial industrial, indie, singer-songwriter, industrial, indie rock
жанры: dark ambient, martial industrial, indie, singer-songwriter, industrial, indie rock
Это интересно:
After graduating high school in San Diego, Robin Proper-Sheppard, Jimmy Fernandez, Ron Austin, and Albert Amman formed Society Line. After a couple months, they recorded a six song demo and began playing locally, developing their rough sound into a bracing mix of metallics and atmospherics. Despite the musical progress, Proper-Sheppard became increasingly restless in San Diego and opted to move to New York. The remaining members continued to play together and thought of replacing the singer/guitarist, but Proper-Sheppard returned months later to see if his ex-band mates would be willing to join him back in New York. Amman was the only member to stay behind.Through numerous turns... продолжение
Альбомы исполнителя «Sophia»:
Всего 2 альбома (отображено 1 - 2)
2006 год
2004 год
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